Here's the lede on today's USA Today piece about the investigation into the Jack Kelley scandal:
"Lax editing and newsroom leadership, lack of staff communication, a star system, a workplace climate of fear and inconsistent rules on using anonymous sources helped former USA TODAY reporter Jack Kelley to fabricate and plagiarize stories for more than a decade, an independent panel of editors has concluded."
A team of newspaper analysts locked in a hotel room for a week with an endless supply of flip charts and magic markers couldn't have devised a more thorough diagnosis of the industry's ailments:
Lax editing: Lack of standards, or unwillingness to enforce them.
Newsroom leadership: Focused on process not product; looking inward, not outward.
Staff communications: Competition instead of collaboration; department silos worthy of the FBI and CIA.
Star system: Work only with the "easy" people; an inability, or unwillingness, to develop staff.
Climate of fear: Destructive, defensive culture bent on perfection not performance or risk.
Anonymous sources: Playing by their rules, not ours.
UPDATE: Hal Ritter, the managing editor for news of USA Today, also resigns because of the Kelley scandal.
The Hilliard/Kovach/Seigenthaler report on the scandal The problems of Jack Kelley and USA TODAY (also in PDF)